Thought for the Week

  • The Shropshire Historic Churches Trust

    This weekend sees the Ride and Stride, the main fund-raising event for the Shropshire Historic Churches Trust, that provides grants for the repair of the old churches and chapels within the county; we get no money for this from the state or the diocese. Some see our old churches as a barrier to mission; we…

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  • The Widow’s Mite

    Some may know of the magazine, “The Big Issue”. It was launched over 25 years ago as a way of helping the homeless. The people who sell the magazine are usually homeless, or at least living in hostels. They buy the magazine for £2 and sell it for £4, so this gives them a small…

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  • Ignorance

    I do not like having to admit be ignorant about a topic; so much better to have knowledge! However, in a new series on Radio 4, the former politician Rory Stewart extols the virtue of ignorance, or at least the awareness that we are ignorant about a topic (BBC Sounds – Rory Stewart: The Long…

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  • Anger like a Cancer Grows.

    Yes, I know that is a misquote; Simon and Garfunkel actually sang that it was silence like a cancer grows. But sometimes misquotes can be inspired and I modestly claim this as an example. There seems to be a lot of anger around. Sometimes we see it burst into the public arena; I suspect a…

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  • Tony Morris, Dance Music Sensation

    Tony Morris has just been featured on the “Today” programme on Radio 4. He is a 72 year old Glaswegian, who graduated with a 1st in psychology in 1976 and, by his own admission, has spent the years since then trying to work out to do with life. A few years ago he went to a…

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  • Testing the Spirits

    Some of the more striking images this week have been of rioters, now alone in the dock of a court, being sentenced to imprisonment.  The contrasts are striking. Previously, emboldened by the mob, they were full of bravado when confronted by police officers but now they are isolated and full of regret at being led…

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  • More from R S Thomas on Prayer

    R.S. Thomas was priest who spent much of his ministry in a seaside village on the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales. He was also one of the great religious poets of the 20th century. Last week I featured a poem about why he prayed. Continuing the theme, this week is another of his poems. He…

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  • Why Do We Pray?

    Some people find prayer easy; I am not one of those. Sometimes there are situations or people I can focus on, but without these, I struggle. At least, I struggle with prayer as a shopping list, but there are other ways and reasons to pray. One of my inspirations is the poet and priest R.S.…

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  • Leaders

    In many different spheres, leaders have recently been in the news. Let’s start with the most important; Gareth Southgate has stood down from being manager of England; after 8 years at the helm, he wants a change. Then we have the changing of the guard in Government; I have been struck by the gracious exchanges…

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  • Just One Thing

    I don’t think I ever watched Dr Michael Mosley on the TV. I did note the circumstances of his death, which seem to have been due to a tragic miscalculation on his part whilst walking. As a hill walker now in his 60s, that had an uncomfortable resonance with me. What I did not expect…

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