St Valentines Day – Again

I have written several thoughts about St Valentine. This brings challenges, as next to nothing is known for certain about him. Somewhere behind all the stories there is probably a Christian priest, killed during one of the persecutions of the Roman Empire. Wikipedia tells me that he is also the patron saint of suffers from epilepsy and beekeepers, in addition to being the patron of lovers. All of these associations would have probably been news to the person who was actually behind the stories. No matter, the value of Valentine is what he reminds us of today.

Valentine stands as a symbol of mutual love, “romantic love” as it is sometimes called. Love takes many forms; when it degenerates to self-centred lust, there is nothing in it to be celebrated. But romantic love is about two people who prize their relationship above everything else, including material prosperity and status. They will pay any price to be together. Of course, some of these attachments are ill-thought out and do not last but many will endure a life-time.  Romantic love is worth celebrating and has been used as metaphor for the highest relationship between a believer and God.  So celebrate St Valentine’s Day!

Rev David Poyner