Leadership Team

The St Mary’s staff team serve the whole Benefice.  You will encounter various members of the team who will support and help you throughout your involvement with the church family.

The Clergy

Rev. Kina Robertshaw, Rector
Rev. David Poyner, Assistant Vicar
Rev. Angie Forster, Curate
Rev. Richard Law
Rev. Canon Rose Lawley

Licensed Lay Minister

Keith Smith

Local Minister

Stewart Page

Local Worship Leaders

Canev Clayton
Anita Manley
Shirley Page
Amy Williams
Shell Russon
Mark Williams
Mervyn Smith

Children & Young People Leaders

Bev Bevan, Children’s Worker
Lin Evans, Children’s Worker
Rev. Angie Forster, Children & Young People Leader
Mary Homer, ‘Friday Event’ Leader
Jill Mansell, ‘Open the Book’ Team Leader
Lisa Scott, ‘Friday Event’ & ‘Messy Church’ Coordinator
Rachael Williams, ‘Messy Church’ Leader
Thelma Baxendale, Children’s Worker