
In many different spheres, leaders have recently been in the news. Let’s start with the most important; Gareth Southgate has stood down from being manager of England; after 8 years at the helm, he wants a change. Then we have the changing of the guard in Government; I have been struck by the gracious exchanges between Keir Starmer and Rikki Sunak as they adjust to their new roles. Then of course there is how they do things in the USA; the hatred that led someone to try and kill Donald Trump (and, let us not forget the person who was killed and the people injured) but perhaps signs Mr Trump may be adjusting his style and the warm words to him from President Bidden in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

There are many different ways of being a leader. Traditionally Jesus is said to personify “servant leadership”, humble and leading by example at cost to himself. This is certainly true, but Jesus had a number of leadership styles, depending on the circumstances. Any effective leader needs to use a number of styles, as the occasion demands. But equally, the leader will have a preferred style; for Jesus, this was servant leadership leading to the cross.

I was talking to a colleague in the week about the recent coronation, when  our symbolic leader was confirmed in office. He spoke of how one of the most moving part of the ceremony was after Charles and Camilla were crowned, after all the pomp and ceremony, their first act was to kneel at a communion rail to receive bread and wine. The crowned monarch, our liege lord and his consort, paid their homage to the servant king, their strength as leader. 

Rev David Poyner

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